Feature requests

  1. Sales Tax Reporting

    Although we haven't yet cancelled our subscription, we stopped using Unit Connect months ago mainly because of a particular feature it lacks - which was causing us to maintain multiple systems/spreadsheets. The feature is Sales Tax. I was excited to see that you have now added that feature; however, from what I could see, useful reporting is still missing. In Florida we have to report sales tax, in total, for all units owned by an owner(company) within the same building. I tried working this in Unit Connect by creating a 'Portfolio' for each Owner/building combination. The reporting problem I run into is that even if I run a report by Portfolio, each property shows up on a separate page (pdf) or on a separate tab (excel). If each property within a Portfolio could show up on the same excel tab I may be able to work with that. But as it stands now, it would still be too cumbersome. Each on a pdf wouldn't help in this particular case but it might for other reporting purposes.Is this something you think you will be adding soon?

    Diana M


  2. Ability to Move Invoice Entries

    This feature could exist already however I cannot seem to figure out how to do it if it does: To have the ability to move invoice entries up and down would be helpful. Currently I am creating an invoice and they are not appearing in sequential order. For example - the February rent and CAM charges appear at the top but the interest charge for February is at the bottom. To be able to move it under the other February entries would make the invoice easier to read and be more consistent. Thank you for considering.

    #Improvement 👍#Misc 🤷


  3. SMS Feature

    Tenants and Owners being about to use the software to connect with us via SMS (Text messaging) and not just EMAIL

    Tanya W


  4. Accounting Features

    Balance Sheet Support for mortgage / escrow accounts Support for liability (credit card) account pay from



  5. Configuration to prevent partial payments on the portal

    (only full payments will be allowed)



  6. Rental Sales tax calculation on the invoice (varies per state)

    UC would be able to calculate the sales tax by state and add it to invoices.



  7. Keeping track of internal notes history on the invoice

    You can add internal notes for invoices



  8. Enhanced Reporting Capabilities

    Scheduled reports Packaging of reports → running more than one report at a time



  9. Syndication of properties to other platforms

    Ability to generate available rental properties on your website from your UC protfolio.



  10. General Accounting Principals

    Accounts Payable Cash vs Accrual



  11. ACH Vendors To Payments

    Ability to pay vendors in UC via ACH



  12. View Terminated Tenants

    Provide ability to view Terminated Tenants and Properties. When a Tenant or Property is terminated, they are no longer visible other than Reports and Tenant Invoicing. This functionality should allow the user to navigate to all the relevant Tenant and Property pages even though they are terminated. By default, however, terminated Tenants and Properties should not be visible.

    Albert Aranbaev
    #Improvement 👍
